Middletown Pollinator Pathway
A pollinator pathway is a pesticide-free corridor of native plants that provide nutrition and habitat for pollinators.
These include birds, bees, butterflies and other insects, and mammals, rodents, and amphibians.
The Pollinator Pathway movement seeks to reconnect our fragmented landscape by creating and connecting pollinator habitat right in our own communities--starting in your yard or neighborhood park.
If we begin to manage our own yards organically and with native plantings, we can use them to connect parks and preserves, creating crucial corridors for wildlife. That is the idea behind the Pollinator Pathway.
We hope you will join us by pledging to create a pollinator friendly habitat on your property!

Why Middletown?
The Northeast Pollinator Pathway has spread from one to over 85 connected towns in Connecticut and New York. It is our goal to include Middletown in the count!
Middletown Pollinator Pathway strives to encourage property owners in the Middletown area to manage their landscapes organically and with native plantings, so these properties can connect parks and preserves, creating crucial corridors for wildlife.
Members meet as needed to plan public events and support related efforts to our mission. These activities include speaker forums, public information kiosks, planting parties, and advocating for pollinator friendly landscapes in public places. We are hoping to expand our efforts to collaborate with neighboring towns. There are many meaningful ways you can help us succeed in our mission. Please contact us and we will get back to you!

Our Partnering Organizations
With thanks for their generous support